Monday, April 7, 2008


my name is Darla and I am a Grey's Anatomy junkie! I admit it! I heard about the show when it first came on but didn't watch. Thought about it but never did. Plus my DirecTV DVR only allowed me to record two shows at once. DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH GOOD TV IS ON THURSDAY NIGHTS? I was limited. So, this past fall when the new season started I started watching it on Fridays on the internet. What a wonderful thing...full episodes on the internet! Didn't think much about the past seasons/episodes til I was at Blockbuster last Wednesday. On Wednesdays you get a free non-new release with every new release you rent. WOW! What am I going to get? I wondered around and ended up in the Television section. That's where I saw them...Grey's Anatomy's DVDs. I picked up Season One DVD 1 and 2. I am so bad I had to watch the first DVD straight through! Then I watched the second DVD. Saturday I was at Blockbuster getting Season 2 DVDs 1 and 2 (which by the way is only 10 of the 27 episodes in season 2!). I don't remember exactly when I watched all of them but I finished Sunday. So, I go to return them today. I could not help myself! I left with Season 2 DVDs 3 and 4! I have already watched two episodes today! It is like an addiction. I think its worse when you watch it on DVD cause you want to know what happens next and you can...keep hitting play next episode! The people at Blockbuster probably think I'm nuts!

We have upgraded to AT&T U-verse now and I can record up to 4 episodes (yes I'm a horrible mother on Thursday nights and tie up all the TVs! Sorry boys!). I don't know what I would do if I had to actually watch a TV show with commercials! Its horrible!

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