Thursday, July 3, 2008


book #3 in the Twilight series. I am about half way through this book. I made myself put it down yesterday and not pick it up. I had to get some stuff done. We are leaving for vacation in the morning and I needed to start packing and getting some laundry done! I did put it down until I went to bed. Once I got in bed I had to read some. I'm not sure how many chapters I read before turning the light off. I couldn't stop in the middle of a chapter either. It has to be at the end but I would get to the end of one and want to know what was next so I got sucked into reading another...and the vicious cycle begins! This has not only turned into vampires but it involves werewolves too and a human girl, Bella, caught in the middle! I am so anxious for the movie to come out. I hope they do a movie for each book and don't stop after the first one! That would be too sad! These books have sucked me in more than the Harry Potter books did!

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