So, yesterday morning my alarm goes off at 6:30 A.M. I lay there until about 6:40 when I jump up realizing the alarm at 5:45 did not wake me up! (I was suppose to put a 20 pound ham in the oven for Steve's shop lunch) I go in the kitchen stick the ham in the oven. I get back in bed for a few minutes. Jerrad leaves to catch the bus, Steve leaves (all around 6:45). I can't doze off for a few extra winks of sleep cause the dog is on the side of the house my room is on barking her head off! She never barks unless someone is outside that she doesn't know. Well, on the other side of the wall is a sidewalk. I just figure someone is walking and she'll stop - eventually. As I'm listening to her bark I hear tires squealing. Think nothing of it. Its about 6:55 and I get up to get Jake up. We go about the usual routine. He goes to catch the bus. There are two Arlington police cars out front and my neighbor across the street is talking to them! I wonder what could've happened. I get Jake off and I wait til I see my neighbor go to work and I call his wife to make sure everything is ok. The neighbor is a locksmith and he has two vans. A work van and his person van. He drives a different one home all the time. Just so happened the night before he'd driven his work van home. Well, someone had broke into it! But we are not talking about broke into it during the night. It had happened in like five minutes. They had done it between the time all the kids left on the bus, Steve left for work and the time my neighbors wife looked out the window! That was gutsy. People are leaving at all times for work. The high school kids are out there to catch the bus! Its crazy! My neighbors wife told me that she had gotten up after her high schooler left and heard our dog barking. She just happened to look out the window and noticed a car in front of her mailbox and she saw feet around the van and white tennis shoes. Being still half asleep she thought it was her husband. She went to the kitchen and looked a the time - 6:52. She paniced...that wasn't her husband - he is still in bed. She yells at him someone is breaking into the van! As he's getting up she walks outside and says "What are you doing?" There was a driver already in the car and the other two people jump in and the take off! Those were the squealing tires I heard! Our dog had been barking cause there were people out there! Steve and Jerrad both said they'd seen a car yesterday but paid no attention to it. Its still dark when they leave and yesterday it was drizzling too. Steve said he thought it was weird cause he backs out of the drive that way and he'd never seen a car in front of the other neighbors house at that time of morning. They had to have been sitting in it! Anyway, the neighbor thought that when they pulled away they'd turn left and they could get a license plate number. Well, they turned right. Which means they knew where they knew exactly where they were going. Cause when the cops came they came for the I-20 service road - they said they passed no car with the description she gave them. She said thats because they went the other way. The police said there is no outlet that way! OH YES SIR THERE IS! There is a sign that says No Outlet so people will stop going that way. The police didn't even know you could get out! Those people went that way so they knew. Either they came from that neighborhood or that area but obviously they'd scoped things out. I'm just thinking if I'd got up and looked out or something when the dog first started barking - they might've been caught! In that short of time they had gotten in the van and stole some very expensive tools! I still can't get over the fact that they would pick that time of day to do it! CRAZY! I hope they get caught!
The Definition of You
13 years ago
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